The efficient, effective, safe, and legal operation of modern marine assets requires numerous complex integrated systems to work together without defects or failures. These complex systems add a new layer of technology-based risks that marine inspection, verification and assurance (IVA) services must take into account.

Our marine services include:
Marine advisory services for Underwriters
Oil Companies
EPCI contractors
Ship owners
Drilling contractors
Port and Harbor Authorities
Project support services
Risk identification and mitigation
Engineering services (design, specification, calculation using state of the art technology)
Identification and selection of vessels
Preparation of marine bids
Marine investigation and expert witness
Marine warranty services
Project stage gate review
Risk identification (HAZID, HAZOP)
Audit/inspections of Cranes, HLDs, Winches, Self-Propelled Modular Transport (SPMT)
Quayside readiness review & acceptance
Sea, air and land transportation plan review & acceptance
Sea-fastening design, accelerations, code, and best practices review & acceptance
Review preparation and witness execution of load outs using cranes (lifted), skidded, (rolled on) using SPMT, float over for compliance with approved procedures
Marine Inspection Services
Suitability Inspections
Condition surveys
Pre-purchase surveys
On-Hire and Off hire surveys
OVID Inspections
CMID Inspections
Crane and lifting gear Inspections
Marine Specialized Services
Marine cyber security services
Marine controls – Inspection, verification and assurance
Dynamic Positioning (audit, FMECA, annual trials, capability analysis, foot print verification,
Investigation and RCA
Project management during design review, new build or conversion
Marine/ Client Representative on board during critical operations
Tow master services
Turnkey tow projects covering field to field, field to stack-up, stack-up to yard – FPSO, FSO, TLP, Semi-Subs, Jack-ups, Spars etc.
Mooring installation & change out
Decommissioning of platforms and jackets
Athens Group Services surveyor’s track record in integrated systems performance IVA spanning from controls to electro-mechanical subsystems puts us at the forefront of understanding and quantifying the additional risks presented by the pervasive use of technology, reliance on complex integrated systems controls, automated and autonomous systems, and cyber-security exposure.
Our experience has taught us that marine IVA is now a system engineering activity — not a simple checklist execution or the experience-based opinion of a surveyor. Our marine IVA services, delivered by experienced marine personnel using checklists that are fully cross-referenced to codes, regulations and local requirements, are engineered to accommodate the increasing use of technology and the resulting additional risk exposure.